Proud Sponsors of the Midwest Bengals Youth Travel Football Team

From Darius Javey - Head Coach & Founder of Midwest Bengals Youth Travel Football Team:
“Once again, we want to thank you!!!... We gladly appreciate you guys at Glacier Sports Inc. for providing our team space to help us get ready for nationals. The entire organization really thanks you guys and hope to continue a great relationship throughout our near future as we are willing to do whatever it takes to do so.”
About the Midwest Bengals:
Midwest Bengals is a new youth football organization from Mahoning and Trumbull County’s area. Travel League Football could be based all year from January to January. Their main goal was to form a program that can keep kids busy all year long. So busy to the point that their athletes won’t have time to find trouble or negative situations. In the Youngstown and Warren areas, as we know, it’s very easy to find trouble. Their job is to do what they can to keep these young men and women safe, healthy, fit/ in shape, and out of trouble. Midwest Bengals is 100% more than just football. With this being their 1st year, it feels like a family, like a community. It’s exposure, like the best vibe they’ve ever got. Kids making new friends and even families exploring cities and states they have never seen before …. It’s not so much aimed toward athletes but also giving families the opportunity to travel and see new things, new people, new lifestyles.
Midwest Bengals won their very 1st tournament this year in Chicago, Illinois which qualified them an invite to the D1nation National Youth Championship in Atlanta Georgia Dec 16th to 19th. Win, loose or draw, the experience will never ever be forgotten. Even though they didn’t win the gold trophy they won the bronze trophy - which resulted in their team being ranked 13 nationally, with more than 100 6u travel teams in the country!!!
2nd Annual Glacier Day at The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley

Why did coaches, players, families, board members and staff of The Ohio Glaciers spend their time on Sunday, March 1st providing, preparing and serving meals to clients of The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley? Because it was our second annual “Glacier Day,” which allows us the opportunity to give back to the community by helping them serve as many as 300 trays of meals in one single day!
Rescue Mission Volunteer Coordinator Robbie Jones said, “It is fantastic to see young individuals serving at the Rescue Mission as this will teach our young children to serve others throughout their entire life. In having “Glacier Day”, it will bless us financially since the cost for all the meals at the Mission is a large component of our ministry here.”
Our goal as an organization is to do more than groom young people into becoming exceptional baseball players – we want to help our players become exceptional young adults. In fact, our mission statement reads: “The Ohio Glaciers are committed to building a strong foundation of select young people who are committed to optimizing their baseball potential through hard work, determination, respect of the game through excellence, and competitive sportsmanship. Each player will challenge themselves to put in the time necessary to learn the fundamentals and strategies of the game,building character, self-image, and team spirit through a collaborative effort of disciplined preparation. The Ohio Glaciers combine the right mix of attitude, respect for the game, and athletic prowess to not only optimize the team's win/loss record, but to optimize and bring out the best in every young player, preparing them for the ultimate game - the game of life.
We truly appreciate the ongoing generous support of our sponsors at fundraising events like our 2019 Britishmania Concert and our exciting upcoming 2020 Tony n' Tina's Wedding event, slated for July 17th at The Lake Club. Without them, Glacier Day at The Rescue Mission, as well as our support of Boys and Girls Club, Special Olympics, and the Koch Family Charitable Foundation, would not be possible. Thank YOU for supporting The Ohio Glaciers and allowing us to give back!
The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley houses, feeds, counsels and educates hundreds of people each year through their different programs, enabling them to get back on their feet and become a contributive member of society.
Glaciers help the Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown

Each Monday, The Ohio Glaciers welcome the children of The Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown to train in our facilities with coaches Brett Pitzulo and Todd Kibby in order to prep the children for an five week instructional baseball league kicking off April 25th, 2019.
This is a CO-ED 12U League (ages 10-12). Season dates are April 25 - May 27, 2019. The registration fee for players is $20.
This program is part of the Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown Healthy Lifestyles Badges for Baseball created by the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice, Badges for Baseball is a juvenile crime prevention program. The program partners local Youngstown Police Department officers with Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown members. The officers serve as coaches / instructors, but use baseball and relationship building as a way to teach important life lessons about teamwork, respect, communication and leadership.
For information regarding player participation, stop in at The Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown located at 2105 Oak Hill Avenue, Youngstown, OH or email [email protected]
Seeking players and coaches. If you're interested in being a volunteer coach, please contact Germaine McAlpine at [email protected]
Practice, game dates and times will be announced.
Glaciers help the Special Olympics of Ohio

Each year, The Ohio Glaciers welcome the The Special Olympics of Ohio for their NE Region Softball Tournament.
On August 17th, 2019 The Special Olympics of Ohio kicked off their NE Ohio Region Tournament with Ron Fagert and Joe Koch presenting them a donation from Glaciers Sports, Inc. At Glaciers, we couldn't be happier to donate our time and the use of our Koch Fields to help be a part of this special event each year!
Over 300 athletes competed in the NE Region Softball & Individual Skills Tournament at Koch Fields in Austintown. Winning teams advanced to State Tournament in September.
Visit their Facebook for more info on their events!
1st Annual Glacier Day at The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley

The Ohio Glaciers learned Importance of Giving Back at The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley in Youngstown, Ohio…
On Sunday, March 24th, The Ohio Glaciers hosted “Glacier Day” at the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley.
Players from both our 14U Sloan and 12U Kibby teams along with parents, coaches, friends and past players all came together to prepare and serve meals for the entire day to clients of The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley.
Simon Roofing sponsored breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast featuring Dunkin' Donuts orange juice, coffee, and bagels. Lunch was sponsored by an anonymous donor and featured Dave’s Cosmic Subs. Simon Roofing also sponsoring dinner in which the meal was provided by Drake’s Landing and featured a Handel’s Ice Cream bar for dessert.
At the Rescue Mission, it is not uncommon for 300 trays to be served throughout an entire day of meals. The Mission is known to house, feed, counsel and educate hundreds of people each year through their different programs, enabling them to get back on their feet and become a contributive member of society. Robbie Jones, Rescue Mission Volunteer Coordinator, said that “it is fantastic to see young individuals serving at the Rescue Mission as this will teach our young children to serve others throughout their entire life. In having “Glacier Day”, it will bless us financially since the cost for all the meals at the Mission is a large component of our ministry here”.
A great read and new video below from WKBN with our 14U Sloan Team on March 24th...